Hi, Would like to know if there any problems using crusher dust for my concrete instead of sand and gravel, the crusher dust has a fair bit of powder so it mixes ok but i''m want to use it for footings for raised floor of ganny flat, was going to use mix of 4:1 have used it for chooks pens etc and seems alright but don''t know how strong it is to use for house footings. thanks Rick
Tip: Crusher dust and mixing sand with cement are not recommended. 6. Laying the Pavers Setting out
Paving Crusher Dust $59.00 Tonne Paving Crusher Dust is commonly used as a foundation under paving, concrete slabs, hard stands or wherever compacted fill is required. It is also useful as a base for laying down pipes and serves as an ideal solution to stop soil from being waterlogged.
Our Crusher Dust is mostly used as under slab preparation for concrete, or sometimes as a bedding for paving.It is made from recycled crushed concrete sized 5mm & smaller, which makes it quite fine & easy to spread or screed. The Blue Crusher Dust is made from blue metal natural rock sized 5mm & smaller. It is predominately used as a decorative feature for pathways, and is also recommended as
compressive strength than normal concrete and 50% crusher dust concrete. It can also be observed that 100% replacement of crusher dust has shown more compressive strength than normal concrete and 50% crusher dust concrete as well as it is gradually increasing form initial day of curing to final day of curing i.e., up to 28 days of curing.
Paving Crusher Dust $59.00 Tonne Paving Crusher Dust is commonly used as a foundation under paving, concrete slabs, hard stands or wherever compacted fill is required. It is also useful as a base for laying down pipes and serves as an ideal solution to stop soil from being waterlogged.
According to IRC SP:63, water/cement ratio ranges from 0.34 to 0.38, water content for the mix from 5 to 7%, quantity of cementitious material i.e. 380 to 425 kg/m 3, aggregate/cement ratio i.e. 3:1 to 6:1, proportion of NCA and river sand is 40% & 60% respectively and size of NCA ranges from 6 to 12 mm and around 0.4% superplasticizer may be used.
BCSands Online Shop - Building and Landscape Supplies Crusher Dust Stabilised 4% 24:1 (mix includes 2x20kg cement) - Finely crushed (0 to 5mm) concrete and brick mixed with cement. Makes a good sub base for a variety of situations. Did you know?: We are able to stabilise our products to any strength required to suit your purpose. Give us a call on 8543 3401 to discuss.
FAQ: Tips and Techniques for using Crusher fines surfacing for trails. Finely crushed rock (crusher fines) is a useful alternative to paving trails that accommodates most trail activities. Crusher fines is a finely-crushed stone mix that is often the byproduct of gravel operations. Crushed stone trails provide a user-friendly, all-season
Crusher Run Gravel As Cement Mix. Crusher Run Gravel As Cement Mix crusher dust vs gravel for driveway YouTube Jan 10, 2014 run or processed gravel which are a mixture of larger crushed stone approx. Gravel Gravel is an excellent choice for fill, under driveways.
Crusher Dust is a fine powder like material that can be used as a compactable & screedable base under pavers and slabs. Crusher dust is an economical and sturdy material for pathways and driveways because it compacts to a hard and stable surface. Crusher dust may also be referred to as blue metal dust, cracker dust, and quarry sand.
might just add crusher dust is added to sand 6 sand 1 crusher dust 2 cement might be were the mix up is. 26-09-2010 … proper mortar mix ratio for showee … » More detailed
The tested cements were produced by mixing 90 or 70 mass-% CEM I 42.5 R or 52.5 R with 10 or 30 mass-% crushed brick dust. Crusher-dust varieties of concrete, masonry and roof tile rubble, track ballast and railway sleepers were used. The tested cements conformed to strength classes 42.5 N through 52.5 R.
The tested cements were produced by mixing 90 or 70 mass-% CEM I 42.5 R or 52.5 R with 10 or 30 mass-% crushed brick dust. Crusher-dust varieties of concrete, masonry and roof tile rubble, track ballast and railway sleepers were used. The tested cements conformed to strength classes 42.5 N through 52.5 R.
5. The compressive strength of concrete with 50% crusher dust is less than the controlled concrete by 23.31% for 7 days curing period. 6. At 28 days curing period the compressive strength of concrete with 50% crusher dust is lesser by 4.58% than that of controlled concrete. SI.NO CONCRETE MIX SLUMP (mm) COMPACTING FACTOR FLOW (%) 1 M 30
According to IRC SP:63, water/cement ratio ranges from 0.34 to 0.38, water content for the mix from 5 to 7%, quantity of cementitious material i.e. 380 to 425 kg/m 3, aggregate/cement ratio i.e. 3:1 to 6:1, proportion of NCA and river sand is 40% & 60% respectively and size of NCA ranges from 6 to 12 mm and around 0.4% superplasticizer may be used.
Crusher Dust. A blue metal grey dust that sets hard when compacted. Best uses: under paving and under slab levelling fill. Blue metal grey colour. Sets hard under when compacted. Available in 20kg bags. BLUE GUM TIP: Mix with GP cement to improve stabilisation. Price: $47.00 (inc GST) per Approx m 3. We deliver to most local areas.
But having done a lot of road reclamation over the years i can''t recommend adding any Portland cement to your road. For a concrete mix to work you mix the proper proportions of clean hard stone aggregate with the right amount of clean (washed) sand withe the cement and just enough water to make it mixable . If so then add a crusher run rock
What Happens If You Mi Concrete Powder With Crusher Dust. Mix dry cement in well-ventilated areas. Make sure to work upwind from dust sources. Where possible, use ready-mixed concrete instead of mixing on site. When kneeling on fresh concrete, use a dry board or waterproof kneepads to protect knees from water that can soak through fabric.Aug 07
How to compact crusher dust. Crusher dust is a blend of small crushed blue metal rocks and finer dust. Typically used in roads surfacing and as driveways, it can also provide a great foundation for tanks. We recommend you use a mini loader with a bucket to move large amounts of crusher dust around your job site. If you have the option, use a
crusher dust with cement mixing ratio Gulin Machinery. manufactured sands in portland cement crusher dust concrete mix … stone crusher dust as a fine aggregate in concrete for paving concrete paving blocks with crusher fine or concrete for garden .
concrete mix design using crusher dust Concrete Mix With Crusher Dust Jul 30 2013 Get the price of Use Of Crusher Stone Dust In Concrete mix design m30 grade of concrete ratio in kg/m3 cement use opc 43 Posts Related Get Price Online Crusher dust for concrete
can you use crusher run to mix concrete in kenya. … such as on a newly constructed cement stabilised by a belt conveyor or … crusher dust, stone, … 150mm Crusher Run Costs Euro – minemining 4.7/5· 747 ratings
“a mix of small rock and fines means that when compacted, it binds together well and creates a strong, stable surface to work on. “ Crusher dust is absolutely perfect for anywhere that you want a fine compactable material that will compact to a hard surface. What crusher dust isn’t… Crusher Dust is not an underlay soil for turf.
There were in all 5 mixes in each grade of concrete including control mix and four mixes with crusher dust as a partial replacement of natural sand. It was observed that with use of crusher dust at all replacement levels, the workability of concrete was reduced from 1-6%.
Sure mixing cement with crusher dust works well. Need to ensure you mix it well and basically smack it down for good cohesion as you probably don''t want to make the mix too sloppy. Depending how much area you want to stabilise of the crusher dust and how permanently spraying with PVA exterior paint works well.
might just add crusher dust is added to sand 6 sand 1 crusher dust 2 cement might be were the mix up is. 26-09-2010 … proper mortar mix ratio for showee … » More detailed
There were in all 5 mixes in each grade of concrete including control mix and four mixes with crusher dust as a partial replacement of natural sand. It was observed that with use of crusher dust at all replacement levels, the workability of concrete was reduced from 1-6%.
might just add crusher dust is added to sand 6 sand 1 crusher dust 2 cement might be were the mix up is. 26-09-2010 … proper mortar mix ratio for showee … » More detailed
Compacting Crusher Dust. To whack or not to whack
One way that both Road Base and Crusher Dust can be made more “durable” is with the addition of cement. This is referred to as “stabalising” and is common practice in areas of high traffic or potential erosion. How much cement is added is up to the individual but generally around 4-8 bags per Tonne of product is the preferred mix ratio.
Crusher Dust For Concrete Renovate Forum. Jun 12 2010 Crusher dust for concrete Hi Would like to know if there any problems using crusher dust for my concrete instead of sand and gravel the crusher dust has a fair bit of powder so it mixes ok but im want to use it for footings for raised floor of ganny flat was going to use mix of 41 have used it for chooks pens etc and seems alright but don