Antique Flintlock & Percussion Rifles for Sale Our selection of antique flintlock rifles for sale is comprised of highly collectible pieces from the United States, England, and Continental Europe. Our inventory of antique rifles for sale includes long guns like Kentucky percussion rifles, English flintlocks and muskets, and German muzzle loaders.
We can now export orders of gun parts up to 500.00 to certain countries. We will need any import licenses/approvals from your country. We will need a copy of your IPSC/IDPA ID or referral from the IPSC/IDPA director in your country for "first" time orders. Other Identification can be used if no IPSC/IDPA membership.
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Providing quality automotive machine shop equipment including crankshaft grinders, cylinder head and block surface grinding and milling machines, and more. Whether you are looking for used machine shop equipment or the newest model, Jack Scholler Equipment has the grinding, milling, and cleaning machines you''re looking for.
2015 Clayton Mobile Home for Sale. 1303 Ewing Dr. Greensboro, NC 27405. All Age Community 3 2 28ft x 48ft. $48,699.
LEMPCO Align Boring Frame and Fixtures. Shown above is the brochure for the LEMPCO Line Boring Machine for machining the poured babbitt bearings on the Model A and B Ford engine block. The LEMPCO machine consisted of a portable purpose-built boring bar frame, bar, and fixtures for centering and location. In addition, it included tools and jigs
Now you can own one of the rarest nuclear hardened underground structures in the world! This was a part of the Stanley R. Mickelesen Safeguard Complex located in NE North Dakota. This property, for sale by owner, was one of 4 Sprint Missile Sites located approximately 10-20 miles from a central radar control site.
Looking to buy used Gold Prospecting Equipment Looking for 4 inch Jet Flare, 4 inch Power Jet, 4 inch Pump Keene or Pro line doesn''t matter also just a 4 inch Keene or Pro Line Dredge NO motor, No Air Just Dredge in Great Shape if you have any of these items used for sale send pictures of above with reply if you have any posted 11/10/2020 Contact me Bill Juster at [email protected]
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1983 Coro Lot #46A Furnished 2/2 In A 55+ Community for Sale. 29081 Us Highway 19 North. Clearwater, FL 33761. 55+ Community 2 2 24ft x 44ft. Sale Pending. $35,000.
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Used Geophysical Equipment for Sale. Used Geophysical Equipment for Sale. Mount Sopris. OIA-1000 Probe, OBI Optical Televiewer. $23,000.00 probe with shipping box and accessories incl. probe top and centralizers. $21,350.00 for the probe only, $800.00 for the probe top; $950.00 for the centralizers.
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Chambered for big bore rounds of .45-70 Govt., this rifle is a hard-hitting, big game-dropping powerhouse. Now shipping with limited availability. Learn More; Model 336. The Model 336 is fast handling and is an icon of the deer woods. This lever-action rifle is chambered in .30-30 Win. and .35 Rem.
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Double Roll Crushers McLanahan. Double Roll Crushers. Double Roll Crushers typically follow a primary or secondary crusher and are used for secondary and tertiary reduction of various minerals, such as ROM coal, clean coal, limestone, gypsum, trona, shale, bauxite, oil shale, coke, salt, lime, glass, kaolin, brick, shale and wet, sticky feeds.
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Antique 2nd Issue Smith & Wesson Model 1 ½ Revolver 32 Rimfire Long. Email. Price: $395.00. Description: Serial #112091, .32 Rimfire Long, 3 inch barrel with a fine bore with light pitting toward the breech and strong rifling. This is the Model 1 , 2nd Issue revolver manufactured by Smith and Wesso... New Item #42224.
stand (stănd) v. stood (sto͝od), stand·ing, stands v.intr. 1. a. To rise to an upright position on the feet. b. To assume or maintain an upright position as specified: stand straight; stand to one side. 2. a. To maintain an upright position on the feet. b. To maintain an upright or vertical position on a base or support: The urn stands on a pedestal
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