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The JSE Securities Exchange-listed Assore group’s wholly-owned Wonderstone mine, in the North West Province, has joined the small group of South African mines with ISO 14001 certification for
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Multă vreme favoritul Las Vegas-ului, magicianul Burt Wonderstone (Steve Carrell) și partenerul său, Anton Lovecraft (Steve Buscemi), au uimit lumea prin spectacolele lor. În timp ce făceau un nou truc, Anton se accidentează și hotărăște să se retragă stabilindu-se în Cambodgia, unde îi va învăța pe săteni despre tainele magiei. Un nou iluzionist intră însă în scenă
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The JSE Securities Exchange-listed Assore group’s wholly-owned Wonderstone mine, in the North West Province, has joined the small group of South African mines with ISO 14001 certification for
Wonderstone Ltd is 100% owned by Assore Ltd and has been mining a uniquely pure Pyrophyllite deposit 300 kilometers west of Johannesburg since 1937. It enjoys a special position in the ceramic field in that the diamond synthesis industry has utilized the properties of excellent thermal and electrical insulation, thermal shock resistance and high compressive strength in the process of
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Piles of wonderstone are located near the end of the road. A private mining claim is in this area so do not collect on any marked claims or rock piles showing signs of recent mining activity. Useful maps: Utah highway map, Rush Valley 1:100,000-scale topographic map, and Lofgreen 7.5-minute topographic map. Topographic maps can be obtained from
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